Supporting our vision

Supporting our vision

Our benefice vision is about ‘stepping out’ … stepping out with God, with each other, and with our local community and wider world.  

This vision remains constant in these changing times.

The Church is still the ‘Body of Christ’ - alive and active, and with a gospel to proclaim!  ....

... and our Church community continues to be very busy ... Our church buildings remain anchors of prayer, we have re-opened our churches for public worship and we continue to offer ourselves to the service of others in our communities.

Over the past few months we have sustained our benefice worship via the website and, through the care of members of our congregations, to those not able to access this online.    Our Pastoral Care teams have been active in keeping in touch with people, and we know that many people have valued the mutual support, prayer and care they have been able to give and receive with one another.   Our churches will continue to be places of hope, prayer and support as we adapt to an ever-changing situation.

Supporting this vision

You will appreciate that our vision still needs to resourced by our own means.  We are reliant on people’s generosity, and many people give to the church in a variety of financial and practical ways.

There are still some financial commitments that our parishes need to maintain even though we have not been able to meet.  

We want to say ‘thank you’ for your support.

May we ask those of you who give so generously to our parishes continue to do so?

If it has been your usual practice to make an offering each week during a church service you may like to think about setting this aside during worship time at home on a Sunday?  

Please follow this link to make a donation.

With our prayers and best wishes, and may Christ be with us, and bless us always.


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