The United Benefice of Haxby and Wigginton

The Church of England Diocese of York

The Parishes of St Mary, Haxby & St Nicholas, Wigginton

Covid-19 Privacy Notice

COVID-19 Privacy Notice

This notice should be read in conjunction with the Privacy Notices for the Parish of Haxby and the Parish of Wigginton in this section

This notice explains how information about you will be used temporarily by our parishes during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis in you are applying for a place to attend public worship in our churches, and at the same time put in place a list of visitors to the church buildings, as requested by the Government in support of NHS Test and Trace.  

Our Privacy Notices detail who we are and why we need to collect data.

During the current Coronavirus pandemic we are required to collect additional data, on a temporary basis, for the purpose of supporting NHS Test and Trace, as requested by the Government.

If you apply for a place to attend worship we will need to retain for a period of 21 days after the church service the following data: your name, your contact details, the date of your visit to the church service and, where possible your arrival and departure time.

You will still be allowed to attend worship should you choose to opt out of this.

This is specifically in relation to contact tracing, which is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing people who have been exposed to a disease to prevent onward transmission and the investigation of local outbreaks. 

In summary, Test and Trace:

  • provides testing for anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus to find out if they have the virus;
  • gets in touch with anyone who has had a positive test result to help them share information about any close recent contacts they have had; and
  • alerts those contacts, where necessary, and notifies them they need to self-isolate to help stop the spread of the virus.

This is voluntary, and you can opt out of letting us share your details with NHS Test and Trace.  We will still accept your application for a place.   We do, however, have to record whether or not you have given your consent.


3. Lawful basis

We will use your information lawfully, as explained below:

  • Consent – We need your consent in order to collect your name and contact details to process your booking, and to share this with NHS Test and Trace if requested.  You will give us your consent by providing your details by completing either an application form on this site, by phone or e-mail.
  • Explicit consent – We need your explicit consent to collect your data on the basis that you may have revealed a religious belief by using/visiting our church building/s. You will give us your explicit consent by completing the application form and opting in/indicating “Yes” where requested, or “No” if you do not want us to share you data with Test and Trace.

You can withdraw your consent at any time after giving your details by letting us know you no longer want us to keep or share your personal data for the  purpose of Test and Trace, however, once we have given your details to Test and Trace we will no longer be able to prevent processing.    To contact us, please contact the Rector or the Churchwardens or the Parish Administrator.   We will continue to process your application, unless told otherwise.


4. Sharing your data

Personal data that is collected for bookings will be used only to share with NHS Test and Trace if requested. It will not be used for other purposes outside of those specified in this Privacy Notice.


5. Data Retention

We will keep your name and contact details for 21 days after the service and will dispose of it after this period.



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